PAYAL KOTHARI embarked on her health and wellness journey with the worlds largest nutrition school, IINInstitute for Integrative Nutrition, New York USA, IIN Advanced Business, Medvarsity, Indias leading training academy, Kaizad Kapadias K11 and QI academy. She has 150 published articles under her belt from prestigious publications like Times of India, Vogue, The Indian Express, Hindustan Times and ET Panache. She holds practical certifications from ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) and has been a part of some of the most powerful global Transformation Programs like Date with Destiny & Unleash the Power Within with Tony Robbins. Today, Payal is one of the rare few IIN-certified coaches in India who practises Integrative Nutrition and Transformation. To further accelerate her Transformations, she mastered the art of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Program) certified under John Grinder through various international courses and made her clients chariot of life stronger and progressive. Payals mastery in NLP gives her an edge in getting results accurately for her clients. She is also a sought-after speaker at schools, colleges, universities, corporates and at several different forums. She is a master trainer who ensures faster results from her workshops.