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About The Book
This is a three part series about three adorable pigs who are able to make a difference in helping to solve the problems of the world. It relates to the ever- popular classic folk tale The Three Little Pigs and continues from the time the houses of straw and sticks were blown down by the carnivorous wolf and tells what happeneed after the wolf ran away howling in pain and disappeared or did he? Other highpoints in the story include an earthquake a Las Vegas adventure and last but not least a visit to darkest Africa. Also did you know that one of the pigs was a girl? What makes this book different is that it teaches values to young children in a fun setting without preaching. The amazing illusrations and contemporary cd music are a great enhancement to the story. If you want your child to have a truly artistic book this is the one for you. (For any age but especially for presschool and primary grades.)