透視319(國際版): 3-19 Shooting Re-examined


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2004年3月19日下午1點45分,兩顆子彈撼動台灣的民主,也撕裂台灣社會。真相迄今未明,疑點仍有爭議。到底陳義雄是否就是真凶?有無共犯?動機為何?國安為何如此離譜?有無自導自演?九年後的今天,專案小組與台南地檢署均已結案,但是立法院真相調查委員會以及大多數社會大眾仍然不相信官方說法。透過319受害人對於事發經過的完整憶述,以及監察院、刑事局專案小組報告、台南地檢署不起訴處分書、二屆真相調查委員會報告的比對解析,槍擊受害人之一的前副總統呂秀蓮對於319槍擊案有精闢深入的研究,釐清關鍵疑點,掃除民主陰霾。陳義雄是自殺或是他殺?陳義雄真是黃衣禿頭男?二彈一槍或二彈二槍?槍彈是不是唐守義的?離譜的國安勤務!阿扁自導自演?CIA 早已得知真相?誰槍擊誰?本書顛覆您對319的成見!On March 19 2004 the day before the Presidential Election Day President Chen Shui-bian and Vice President Lu Hsiu-lien were shut by bullets. The shooting incident shocked Taiwans democracy and to a great degree ripped Taiwans society. As of today the official investigation reports are still unconvinced leaving various questions unsolved. Is Chen Yi-hsiung the shooter? Any accomplices? What are the motives? Why did the national security agencies act so ludicrously? Could it be planned and directed by the President?As former Vice President and the victim of the incident Lu Hsiu-lien examines the Control Yuan document impeaching national security and police officials the Criminal Investigation Bureaus special investigation report the Tainan District Prosecutors Office report and the 319 Truth Investigation Commissions report as well as statements by President Chen Shui-bian and includes her own firsthand account in details.In an attempt to identify areas of doubt and to find possible explanation the book juxtaposes the overlapping and contradictory viewpoints of the incident given by the various reports with Lus personal eyewitness of that day.Lu Hsiu-lien has reviewed over the points of the cartridge the gunman whether the two bullets came from one or two guns the negligence by national security agencies and the would-be assassins possible motive. She also criticizes national security agencies crisis management. She lists and analyzes four possibilities of the assassin identified as red (China) blue (the pan-blue political camp) green (the pan-green camp) and black (mafia and gambling syndicates).In conclusion Lu Hsiu-lien calls on the Special Investigation Division to overturn the previous conclusion. Instead it should take up the suggestions presented in this book to break through its blind spots on this case proceed boldly ignore blue/green political divisions and seek out reality. This will bring honor to the judiciary and good fortune to Taiwan.
