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About The Book
45 Juicing Solutions for Hangovers: Feel Better and Stronger With These Powerful Juice RecipesBy Joe Correa CSNHaving a drink or two with your family or friends sounds like fun however drinking too much alcohol can have an unpleasant effect on your body health and work. Unfortunately there is no rule on how much alcohol you can drink in order to avoid hangovers everybody is completely different. Your tolerance level depends on how frequently you drink what type of drink youre having whether youre tired under stress and other factors. One thing is certain the more alcohol you drink the more likely you are to experience the symptoms of hangovers.The unpleasant signs of hangovers include several recognizable symptoms: Headaches fatigue and overall weaknessNausea and/or vomitingLoss of appetite and stomach achesIncreased sensitivity to light and soundsAbnormal thirst and dry mouth due to dehydrationIncreased heartbeat and muscle achesMood swings poor sleep and inability to concentrateThe recognizable sense of so-called room spinningAs we all know most symptoms are completely harmless and usually go away on their own the next day. If some of the symptoms dont go away on their own or you feel them more intensively than usual its a good idea to visit your doctor. In other cases all you have to do is stay in bed and clean your body through healthy food.Preventing a hangover is not difficult drinking responsibly is the only way of preventing this unpleasant and even painful condition. However on some occasions this may be easier said than done. This is why you should consider some powerful healing methods that will clean your body from within and help you reduce most hangover symptoms much faster than before.The number one thing you can do for yourself is to hydrate your body with a good juice based on healthy ingredients your body needs. The right combination of detoxifying fruits and vegetables will reduce the damage alcohol has made in your body and help your organism heal.This book is all about that! Its the best collection of 45 carefully chosen and tested juices that will reduce hangover symptoms and help you recover in no time at all. Go through this book and choose one for yourself!