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About The Book
<p><em>A History of the Islamic World 600</em><i>–</i><em>1800</em> supplies a fresh and unique survey of the formation of the Islamic world and the key developments that characterize this broad region’s history from late antiquity up to the beginning of the modern era.</p><p>Containing two chronological parts and fourteen chapters this impressive overview explains how different tides in Islamic history washed ashore diverse sets of leadership groups multiple practices of power and authority and dynamic imperial and dynastic discourses in a theocratic age. A text that transcends many of today’s popular stereotypes of the premodern Islamic past the volume takes a holistically and theoretically informed approach for understanding interpreting and teaching premodern history of Islamic West-Asia. Jo Van Steenbergen identifies the Asian connectedness of the sociocultural landscapes between the Nile in the southwest to the Bosporus in the northwest and the Oxus (Amu Darya) and Jaxartes (Syr Darya) in the northeast to the Indus in the southeast. This abundantly illustrated book also offers maps and dynastic tables enabling students to gain an informed understanding of this broad region of the world. </p><p>This book is an essential text for undergraduate classes on Islamic History Medieval and Early Modern History Middle East Studies and Religious History.</p>