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About The Book
Drawing on the phrasing of Walt Whitmans great late 19th century poem Leaves of Grass Frank Prem has produced a collection of expansive and outward looking love poetry written as always in the unique sty le that allows every reader to relate.Prems interpretations breathe new life into contemporary exploration of themes of love in poetry and utilise Whitmans original phrases to inspire a contemplation of the self in the context of landscape and the wider world.a kiss for the worthy is the second of three collections that together comprise A Love Poetry Trilogy with each revisiting outstanding work by stellar poets of the past to produce vibrant new collections. The first collection walk away silver heart draws on Amy Lowells deeply personal Madonna of the Evening Flowers while the third rescue and redemption derives from T.S Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.This is a new kind of poetry that tells stories draws pictures and elicits emotional responses from readers. Just as the best poetry should.