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About The Book
A Mother?s Fight tells the story of the tests trials andtribulations of a mother?s fight against cancer. Two weeks afterthe death of her husband my mother never had the chance to mournhis death because she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Thediagnosis of Breast Cancer began her five year battle with adisease that changed her life and all of our family?s life as well.My mother had the type of breast cancer that did not have a root toit therefore allowing it to come back at any time and travellingto different areas of the body. During the years of 2007 through2012 my mother had cancer in the breast lung and brain. Living ina small town with not much of a health care system we were broughtout of our comfort zone. In order for my mother to be cured and getthe health care she needed we had to travel a great distance myentire family had to help and we had to depend on God and thepeople He brought into our lives. My family and especially mymother went through a storm in dealing with the little c wordcalled cancer however it taught us to trust God pray lean anddepend not in our understanding but in the understanding and wisdomof God. The night before my mother had brain surgery she heard thewords to a song in her ear singing He won?t fail thee. God did notfail my mother in her fight against cancer and that lets me knowHe will never fail any of His children.