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About The Book
Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2012 in the subject Mathematics - Miscellaneous grade: Doctoral Degree course: Ph. D. language: English abstract: First chapter starts with the definition of elementary function with previous algorithms on elementary & nonelementary functions. The second chapter contains Six Conjectures on Indefinite Nonintegrable Functions which are traditionally known as nonelementary functions. In third chapter Dominating Function has been introduced which dominates all most all elementary functions. In chapter four Different Types of Dominating Functions have been proposed with some properties. Chapter five contains two new functions Sequential Functions & Dominating Sequential Functions. which solves the problem of scarcity of elementary functions. In chapter six General Integrals of Dominating Sequential Functions have been generated and then indefinite integrals of some elementary and nonelementary functions have been derived. A Necessary & Sufficient Conditions for the Existence of Indefinite Integrals has been proposed in chapter seven. Possible integrals of all nonelementary functions discussed in chapter two have been discussed in chapter eight. Last chapter nine contains the Conclusion & Scope of Future Research in the field.