ABOUT THE BOOK Accepted In The Beloved looks at the underlying cause of an individual's inability to step into the fullness of Christ. What happens when they heed the 'join the church mentality?' What do they do when they join and the 'magic genie' they were told to expect doesn't surface? What happens when all of their troubles do not 'fly away'? What happens when their troubles multiply and they are face to face with Satan, angry over losing their soul to Christ? Accepted recognizes that the traditional denominational, 'Come on in' and right hand of fellowship won't help today's convert. Accepted explains what it is to be 'to the praise of the glory of His grace by which He has made us accepted in the Beloved.' Ephesians 1:6. It includes 'that I may know Him and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made CONFORMABLE UNTO HIS DEATH.' Now, more than ever, people are taking a critical look at society, the church and themselves. They are running to the church for healing and deliverance and coming away empty-handed because there are serious personal issues that they are contending with that are not being addressed. They think God has handed them a raw deal, a bait and switch, when in fact they were given a false impression at the altar. They have issues. These issues are rejection, lack of self-worth, denial, unforgiveness, doubt, fear, betrayal, bitterness and the church has to be prepared to deal with them. Welcome to the real deal Christianity.