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About The Book
<I>Adolescent Depression: Outside/In</I> is an innovative book foradolescents parents and clinical professionals. Keena a licensedaddictions and mental health counselor takes her readers insidethe depressed adolescent's imagination and insecurities.</p><p>Using a combination of narrative poetry and prose Ms. Keenahas taken her personal experiences with depression and haswoven a masterful work. Through her own experiences Ms.Keena has shown a way to understand the sense of losthelplessness of depressed adolescents. She then shows us thepath towards hope and recovery.</p><p>This book will help adolescents parents and cliniciansunderstand the difficulties and challenges that can arise as thetreatable illness of depression begins to emerge in adolescence.</p><p>Samuel M. Silverman MD<br>Fellow of the American<br>Psychiatric Association<br></p>