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About The Book
<p>Dear friends </p><p>This book is written to clear the concept of Aftermarket Sales and Customer Support - the two important hooks nowadays in the competitive market. The initial business is generated by well-groomed and extroverted salespersons but its the Aftermarket (AM) Sales and Service teams responsibility to keep the users happy so that they become die heart fans of your products or services. </p><p>The book reveals methods and the hidden qualities that add up to convert the AM team into an efficient team of salespersons. It elaborates on the ways to create a confident and synergic sales and service team with technical expertise and smart activities to ensure reduced downtime delays and to thereby influence direct profit. The experience of pan Indian business culture also takes the reader through the exciting journey of a service person to that of the pan India Aftermarket Sales Manager. This book can be used as a roadmap by upcoming team leaders for their individual and professional growth. </p>