The short erotic novel, Alien Opportunities, is an alternative present fantasy about the impact of alien visitors on Earth's society, culture and economy. It tells the story of Chris who lives on Earth at a time when aliens from an ostensibly peaceful and friendly planet have arrived on Earth and set up companies to trade with us. Chris is unhappy with his nine to five job, and finds out that the alien arrival has created new opportunities for work in alien employment. He finds himself new work, working for the aliens, and comes into contact with their sexual desires. The novel is erotic, but is as much a science fiction scenario with a sociological setting. The book is not merely a simple tale of erotic behavior in ordinary scenarios. It seeks to imagine what the alien society of Starmanena, which has very different attitudes towards sex from our own, might be like, and what might happen if it came into contact with ours. Without attempting to be too descriptive of the detail of these two opposing societies, the novel follows the fortunes of Chris, raised in the sexually restricted lifestyle of Earth, as he comes into contact with Starmanenans and goes to work among them. Chris comes to appreciate the aliens, but is unable to overcome various doubts about them. Are the aliens engaged upon a mission to lure the brightest and best among us to a life of slavery or even worse depravity in the stars, as many suspect? Or are the aliens benign? Are they inevitably winning because they offer what Earth society on its own could not give, i.e. sexual liberation, paternal or maternal guidance, and freedom from the commercial imperative.