This book 'Alternative Dispute Resolution and Access to Justice: Issues, Challenges and Perspectives 'revolves around the various ADR methods, the ADR concept in international and national scenarios, various laws and judicial attitudes. Simply put, the term Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) includes in its scope diverse dispute resolution processes which typically use a neutral third party to settle disputes. It goes without saying that the traditional adversarial dispute redressal system being followed in most of the countries including our are further magnified by the glaring problem of huge pendency of cases at all levels of the Indian Judiciary. It is under this backdrop that Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) offers a refreshingly simple way toi mitigate disputes to the satisfaction of both parties. As a matter of fact this edited book is a compilation of various emerging issues on a wide range of topics including significance of ADR in contemporary Indian society, origin and development of ADR tools, shifting paradigm in family disputes, role of lok adalats in delivering speedy and affordable justice in India, role of ADR in real estate sector, e-lok adalats and future of lok adalats and role of lawyers in ADR. The aim of this book is to contribute to the understanding and development of the legal framework and mechanism of ADR governing national and international dispute resolution.Dr. Baleshwar Prasad, Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Shri JNMPG College, Lucknow, U.P.Shri Sudhakar Shukla, Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Kamala Nehru Institute of Physical and Social Science, Sultanpur, U.P.