Ambassador to the Global Village

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About The Book

Popularly known as the ?Village Pastor? the author shares hismemoirs of travels around the world from the Caribbean theAmericas Europe the Middle East and Africa. He has been welcomedby Pygmies in Equatorial Africa; preaching to those who have neverheard the name of Jesus and baptizing hundreds of converts in theRiver Congo. Rev Johnson has lived in thatched-roof mud huts andfound snakes coiled up in his bed. He has traveled by donkeys; insail boats guided by the stars and the moon of the Caribbean night;and driven across wooden bridges repaired by his own hands. He hasplanted olive trees on the slopes of Mt. Olive in Palestine as theregion searches for peace and justice; and he has had his carsstolen by day and been robbed at gunpoint at night. In his memoirsthe author discusses Interfaith Relationship Racial DiversityImmigration Issues and African Culture and Spirituality. The authorshares his involvement with the Jamaica Baptist Missionary Societyand pastoral challenges in the inner-city of Newark New JerseyUSA ? as he served as ?Christ?s Ambassador to the Global Village?.Alfred B. Johnson author lecturer and missionary pastor wasordained by the Baptist church in Jamaica WI. He gained hisundergraduate degree from London University England a Master?s inNew Testament Studies from Union Seminary New York and a Doctor ofMinistry from Drew University New Jersey. Additionally he earneda Diploma in French from the Alliance Francaise in Belgium. Priorto his retirement in 2010 Rev. Johnson served for 21 years aspastor of Clinton Avenue Presbyterian Church in Newark New Jerseyand was the first Jamaican to be elected as moderator of a regionalpresbytery in the over two-hundred-year history of the PresbyterianChurch USA.