It is a psychological fact that those who feel the need to judge, rule, or regulate their fellow human beings do not expect their fellow human beings as equals. It is the inability to have any recourse against the abuse by an individual in a position of power that eventually causes the corruption of the position and the inception of dissention among those who are being judged, ruled, and regulated. The dissolving of entire civilizations started with inequality. Once inequality is established, the distrust leads to anarchy. Anarchy leads to revolt. Revolt leads to dissolution. Dissolution leads to the loss of continuity. The loss leads to disintegration of the accrued knowledge, and we are at this point in our civilization. The combination of the lack of involvement in our democracy due to the ineffectiveness of our appointed officials to act on all our behalves, the financial inequality among our people, the growing detrimental changes in our environment, and our growing population, putting a strain on all the Earths resources, are now bringing us to the point where we all are to have to make some really hard decisions whether we want to or not.
The following parables that shaped the life of an American Dissident and the solutions for the thinking revolution that has already started, make up the chapters of this book. Read them at your own risk of being educated, outraged, vilified, vindicated, and empowered. Please do this in the privacy of your own home, before doing it in public, for your own safety, as there are repercussions for associating with, or being, an American Dissident. Dedicated to my children; I never gave you a second thought because you are always first and foremost in my mind.