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About The Book
Our anthology follows the theme that every person is dealing with problems that we are unaware of. Every character in our anthology is leading a separate life and is dealing with their own separate traumas character arcs and life stories but they are all connected by one common thread: all of them are in the same class at Westercrest Global School.All our characters embark on separate journeys that take them on their separate realisations and they explore different avenues of life ranging from acceptance love hope trauma and reconciliation. All of these stories take place around the same time and we have attempted to show that even though all our characters spend a large part of their day together they barely know each other let alone know what the other is dealing with. They believe in different values face different grievances and circumstances but bleed through these same pages. And through all these pages they manage to form connections with each other and realise that even though they might not be going through the same thing they can still help each other knowingly or unknowingly.This web of nine stories culminates in the final chapter of the anthology in which each character effectively reaches the end of their arc. Though all our characters don’t directly interact with each other most of them acknowledge each others’ presence.