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About The Book
It is always hard to say good-bye. As Catholics we know that our human loved ones are called by Christ to join HIm in eternity dwelling in heavenly bliss before God enlightened by the light of glory sharing in the fullness of the eternal life Christ has prepared for us. But what about our pets and the animals that fill the earth and our lives with such special beauty?<p>Does God have a place for them? Where do animals go when they die? Are they just dust? What is the destiny of creation? Does God really care about any of creation besides man? Would God the Author of all life cast the non-human creation He called good into nothingness? Isn't it illogical to believe that God would find worthless that which is hard-wired to give Him praise? Is it so hard to understand that animals created by God with a particular good would not also have knowledge of their Creator?<p>It is a univeral concern for stewards of creation who in their humanness consider such questions in their hearts. I write this book as a way to explore tenets of the Catholic faith that address creation; of brinigng insight and spiritual truths to animal lovers and lovers of creation; and as evidential support of the truth that all cration was given its order time place and purpose from its Creator who sustains and preserves it at all times always!