Anthony Bourdain's Hungry Ghosts
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About The Book

Hungry Ghosts is cooked up by the best selling author and veteran chef Anthony Bourdain (Kitchen Confidential Emmy-Award winning TV star of Parts Unknown) and acclaimed novelist Joel Rose (Kill Kill Faster Faster) back again from their New York Times #1 best seller Get Jiro!. . Featuring all-new original recipes prepared by Bourdain plus a yellow ribbon bookmark and a guide to the ghostly legendary spirits behind these horrifying tales. This horror anthology is sure to please--and scare!. On a dark haunted night a Russian Oligarch dares a circle of international chefs to play the samurai game of 100 Candles--where each storyteller tells a terrifying tale of ghosts demons and unspeakable beings--and prays to survive the challenge. . Inspired by the Japanese Edo period game of Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai Hungry Ghosts reimagines the classic stories of yokai yorei and obake all tainted with the common thread of food.. Including stellar artists Sebastian Cabrol Vanesa Del Rey Francesco Francavilla Irene Koh Leo Manco Alberto Ponticelli Paul Pope and Mateus Santolouco as well as amazing color by Jose Villarrubia a drop-dead cover by Paul Pope.. A gorgeous haunting at times gruesome saga that draws from the Japanese mythologies yokai yorei and obake and mixes terrifying suspense with fascinating culinary intrigue Hungry Ghosts cements an underrated literary legacy of Bourdain. Entertainment Weekly . The expanded version of Anthony Bourdain's Hungry Ghosts . . . reimagines the Japanese tradition of Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai with a particularly spooky twist as a group of chefs tell a series of stories linked by the common themes of the supernatural and food each illustrated by artists like Vanesa Del Rey Francesco Francavilla and Paul Pope. Of course like all good ghost stories there's a twist in the tale. --The Hollywood Reporter. [Bourdain's] final graphic novel Hungry Ghosts melds food competition and -- of course -- spooky specters with the culture-hopping human interest that Bourdain made his calling card. -- SYFY A series of gastronomic ghost stories that bring together ... [Bourdain's] love of food Japanese culture and old-school horror comics plus some new recipes... An all-star roster of illustrators from alt-comics legend Paul Pope to The Legend of Korra artist Irene Koh to bring each spooky tale to life. --New York Post. The book is a thing of beauty but the stories are filled with images of death and destruction. Knives and axes feature prominently. Decapitation and amputation abound. Eating but also being eaten. These are horror stories with recipes. --The Independent UK. Structured as an old-fashioned Tales from the Crypt-style horror anthology complete with a frame story and ghoulish host the twist ... is that these offerings are all food-themed--and all variations on yarns from Kwaidan Lafcadio Hearn's collection of traditional Japanese ghost lore. ..... Each piece is drawn by a different artist including such comics luminaries as Vanesa Del Rey Francesco Francavilla and Paul Pope. -- Publishers Weekly. Delicious. -- Previews World. An off-beat and very interesting read .... The artwork on the series ... [is] top notch and fascinating--a perfect combination of collaborators brought the stories to life across cultures. -- Comicon
