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About The Book
‘UP Board- Complete Course’ is a unique series in which all the aspects of the exam preparation like
Study Practice and Assessment are equally focused.
In the series the book for “VANIJAYA CLASS 9” has been fully revised as per the latest syllabus issued by
UP Board and rationalized NCERT textbook. It segregates the entire syllabus into 4 major sections where
each chapter contains a theory along with examples figures flow charts tables etc. and Checkpoints
in between the theory for the complete study. To promote complete practice the NCERT Folder Solved
and Unsolved exercises and the Last 10 years’ Board paper questions are included for the revision &
analyses of understanding of concepts. At last the student can self-assess their preparation level with
the Units Test and Internal Assessment. Besides this the Latest UP Board Model Paper and Model
Papers with OMR Sheet will support practicing concepts based on the exam pattern. Project Work at the
end is also provided in the book. By fulfilling the complete study practice and assessment aspects it is
the most preferred textbook by Teachers and Toppers.