Awakening My Spiritual Heart


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About The Book

Awakening My Spiritual Heart painfully and sometimes awkwardly truthfullyfollows Mandis journey of hedonistic and reckless abandonment through theuse of drugs and alcohol to experiences of witnessing loved ones death fromcancers sexual assault insurmountable moments of absolute bliss and manyother tales that serve to portray her passage of growth. A must for anyone ontheir own path of emergence from slumber.It is an interweave of stories drawn from Mandi Js life artfully threadedthrough the philosophy of the underlying fabric of all yoga practice PantajalisEight Limbs of Yoga. A snapshot of the underbelly of modern day Westernsociety meets Ancient Eastern philosophy. An unlikely controversial marriageto inspire and encourage the reader to take responsibility for awakening to theirown truth and living the very best version of their lives possible. ere are nostories or shadows that are insurmountable.At forty a monumental turning point leads to absolute dedication to acommitted path of puri cation and her own ten year experiment. Her journeyis one from darkness to light self-loathing to self-love celibacy to Sacred Union as she finds the courage to walk to the mystic beat of her own Heart.Riveting. Raw. Real & brazenly honest.Awakening my Spiritual Heart is Mandis personal road map into freedom.ANA FORREST & JOSE CALARCO FORREST YOGA
