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About The Book
about the bookshelf;/strong>The book is all about feelings beliefs and inspirations all around in everything. It recollects the feelings which we have left behind and moved ahead to achieve our goals and success. Its introduction to oneself and gain the lost beliefs and speak out what we feel which we have lost in the path earlier. Every poem has a summary explains the idea reflected in that particular poem. A poem is all about connecting oneself to it. The book will show the different side of you apart from being a busy person touching your heart and reaching your souls. Br>lets feel good about ourselves and start seeing how beautiful can relationships be how amazing you can be! Br>lets read and conclude - how you feel! about the author The author is a small town sanguine girl hailing from Nalanda Bihar. She is an electrical & electronics engg by degree and a writer by heart. This is her first English poetry collection debut. For more of her work follow her on Instagram at @sonali_priya1110.