Bedtime Thoughts


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About The Book

<p>What is Control Thought?</p><p>As explained in author <b>Roy Messier's</b><i> The Power of Control Thought</i> it is learning to listen to the type of thoughts we are having and then learning how to control them. When our mind accepts an idea as true it then becomes true for us. We have the power within to make anything happen in our lives. Control Thought is a daily guardian in every person's life. </p><p><i>Bedtime Thoughts</i> presents a series of brief excerpts from <i>The Power of Control Thought</i> designed to be read whenever you have a few minutes. Whether you keep it on your nightstand or at your desk at work the thoughts offered in this collection can remind you of the effect that Control Thought can have in your everyday life. </p><p>You are the orchestra and the conductor of your life; let your attitude be heard and felt all around you with Bedtime Thoughts.</p> There is one Power that which is within.There is one true law and that is your own Spirit. It is the only immutable Power we know; our intuition and inspiration all come from the direction in which we turn our thoughts.
