Being in the Driving Seat : What Makes the Ordinary Extraordinary!


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About The Book

Dear Reader The book in your hand is not only going to impact your life through the 3 key life design secrets hidden in the simple-yet-profound 7 Steps ESCAPE velocity model to design the life you’d love to live but also the lives of the poorest of the poor people around you who are neither privileged enough to grab this book nor educated enough to read the wisdom treasured in the book as 100% of author’s royalty from the book’s sales will be reinvested in the education of kids of the poorest of the poor to help them break the vicious circle of poverty by providing them with coaching mentoring guidance and support by investing one-hour free life coaching on the weekend through digital life coaching system in response to the author’s calling to make a positive difference in the lives of people irrespective of who they are or what they do and his success in an experiment “How to break the vicious circle of poverty through quality education”. For more details please visit: “The world you inherited was not in your control but the world you will leave in legacy is very much in your control. So for what you are waiting for let’s together make a positive difference in lives of yourself and others and design the world which we’d love to live in!” With love & care  Ram Raj
