Birth Death & InBetween

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About The Book

Birth Death & InBetween came to Ms Corwin as a title whenfriends began to die. Her generation was ?starting to go?. ?Acollection comes about at a turning point; one is grieved onewonders at the disappearance the invisibility the untimelinesswhat was before what may come after. No longer a matter of deathand dying but of birth death and the in between. Thespeechlessness turns into a need to speak. You don?t put together acollection of poetry overnight. There is no arbitrary subject.There are threads. A collection is a matter of emphasisaccentuation and priority. One?s generation begins to go; the wholeof the sidewalk full of people coming at you will be gone in ahundred years not a person coming at you left. If that is not asource of wonderment what is?? Birth Death & InBetween is acollection of 300 some odd poems written over a period of 40 yearsobserving examining questioning accepting the plain facts andthe elusive nuances.