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About The Book
ABOUT THIS SERIES ....But after that I realised that I knew very little about these parents of mine. They had been born about the start of the Twentieth Century and they died in 1970 and 1980. For their last 50 years I was old enough to speak with a bit of sense.I could have talked to them a lot about their lives. I could have found out about the times they lived in. But I did not. I know almost nothing about them really. Their courtship? Working in the pits? The Lock-out in the Depression? Losing their second child? Being dusted as a miner? The shootings at Rothbury? My uncles killed in the War? Love on the dole? There were hundreds thousands of questions that I would now like to ask them. But alas I cant. Its too late.Thus prompted by my guilt I resolved to write these books. They describe happenings that affected people real people. The whole series is to coin a modern phrase designed to push your buttons to make you remember and wonder at things forgotten. The books might just let nostalgia see the light of day so that oldies and youngies will talk about the past and re-discover a heritage otherwise forgotten. Hopefully they will spark discussions between generations and foster the asking and answering of questions that should not remain unanswered.MORE INFORMATION ON THESE BOOKSOver the past 18 years the author Ron Williams has written this series of books that present a social history of Australia in the post-war period. They cover the period for 1939 to 1969 with one book for each year. Thus there are 31 books.To capture the material for each book the author Ron Williams worked his way through the Sydney Morning Herald and the Age/Argus day-by-day and picked out the best stories ideas and trivia. He then wrote them up into 176 pages of a year-book. He writes in a direct conversational style he has avoided statistics and charts and has produced easily-read material that is entertaining and instructive and charming.They are invaluable as gifts for birthdays Christmas and anniversaries and for the oldies who are hard to buy for. These books are available at all major retailers.