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About The Book
How do you go on when life throws you a Hard Curve? When people mistreat you for no apparent reason and intentionally lie on you. When your children are doing things that are not godly (they end up going to jail and you bail them out time after time and they never tell you thank you!!). When a spouse leaves you or when you are paying child support to a custodial parent who won't let you see your children because he/she don't want you to be a part of the child's life however they want your money. What do you do when your siblings turn on you and no longer want to be a part of your life or your family won't help you when you are on your last drop of milk for your small children? What do you do? Do you give up? Do you throw in the towel? Do you just reevaluate your life and ask to yourself Okay what did I do wrong Where in the world did this come from or Why is this happening to me even though I didn't do anything wrong? I am writing this book for everyone who has been through what I am about to share with you. I have had my share of bitterness and hatred in my heart because of what others have done to me. It almost led me to un-forgiveness to the point it almost destroyed me. However in the Name of Jesus I overcame!! Thank You JESUS! As you thumb through and meditate on the pages of this book I pray that this scripture passage is a resounding echo in your spirit. It brought me through some of the most difficult journeys in my life. 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 states......