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About The Book
I tell you the truth unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew18:3. Our salvation is so much more than an emotional night at a revival or perfect attendance in mass. It may be the first step but God is looking for a commitment; and as creatures of free will we have the choice to be obedient or to turn back to our sinful nature. It is up to us whether we experience the wonderful promises of Jesus Christ or suffer the consequences of bad decisions following the sinful ways of man. Our life on earth and our standing in heaven depends on the daily choices we make. Many Christians are frustrated because all they hear about in church are the blessings of Christ and they wonder why they are not experiencing them. Many churches only teach about the benefits so as not to upset anyone and in turn hurt contributions to the building fund. However Christians must understand what the Lord expects in order to experience His blessings even as harsh as some of it may sound. The Bible was given to us to make changes in our own lives not as justification of how we are living or to support criticism of those with sins different than our own. Scripture in this book is organized by topic along with authors interpretation and then you can decide if you are in a church being lead by the Holy Spirit. www.CatholicOrProtestant.com