CBEST Test Strategy!  Winning Multiple Choice Strategies for the California Basic Educational Skills Test


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About The Book

<p><strong>Learn and practice proven multiple choice strategies for Reading comprehension English grammar word problems and Basic Math!</strong> If you are preparing for the California Basic Educational Skills Test you probably want all the help you can get! CBEST Test Strategy is your complete guide to answering multiple choice questions!</p><p><strong>Includes FREE ebook version suitable for iPad iPhone any smartphone or tablet! </strong></p><p>You will learn:</p><ul> <li>Powerful multiple choice strategies with practice questions</li> <li>Learn 15 powerful multiple choice strategies and then practice. Answer key for all practice questions with extensive commentary including tips short-cuts and strategies.</li> <li>How to prepare for a multiple choice exam - make sure you are preparing properly and not wasting valuable study time!</li> <li>Who does well on multiple choice exams and who does not - and how to make sure you do!</li> <li>How to handle trick questions - usually there are one or two trick questions to separate the really good students from the rest - tips and strategies to handle these special questions.</li> <li>Step-by-step strategy for answering multiple choice - on any subject!</li> <li>Common Mistakes on a Test - and how to avoid them</li> <li>How to avoid test anxiety - how to avoid one of the most common reasons for low scores on a test</li> <li>How to prepare for a test - proper preparation for your exam will definitely boost your score!</li> <li>How to psych yourself up for a test - tips on the the all-important mental preparation!</li> <li>Learn what you must do in the test room</li></ul><p><strong>Includes over 150 practice questions! </strong>Once you learn our powerful multiple choice strategy techniques practice them right away on paragraph comprehension basic math and arithmetic reasoning!</p><p>CBEST® and the California Basic Education Skills Test is a registered trademark of the NATIONAL EVALUATION SYSTEMS INC who are not involved in the production of and do not endorse this product.</p><p><strong>Study When and Where You Want!</strong></p><p>Includes a FREE ebook version suitable for any smartphone iPhone iPad or tablet that you can immediately download after purchasing. You can practice your questions after working out at the gym while you're waiting on a friend for lunch or over your morning cup of coffee. Whenever you have those spare moments you can consistently build your confidence. There's no need to deprive your body of the sleep and energy you'll need when the test day arrives.</p><p>Maybe you have read this kind of thing before and maybe feel you don’t need it and you are not sure if you are going to buy this book.  Remember though only a few percentage points divide the PASS from the FAIL students.  Even if our test tips increase your score by a few percentage points isn’t that worth it?</p><p><strong>Why not do everything to increase your score? </strong></p>
