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About The Book
Have you ever met someone with all the potential in the world yet theyre struggling to find their way? Maybe its your son or daughter nephew or niece grandson or granddaughter friend spouse or maybe its even you. So you or your loved one is in the toughest moment of their life...what now?Cell 121 is an adventures real life story of one mans journey from a jail cell to an author and entrepreneur. At some point weve all been stuck in a jail cell. It may be physical bars emotional bars or even spiritual bars. But they all use the same key...hope. Author Rusty Boruff leads us on a journey that will transform your life and renew your hope in your future and your loved ones. What you will soon find out is that the key to unlock your cell will also lead you to the launching pad of why you were created. You werent born to just live and die you were born to make a difference. Rusty helps us have a better understanding of the catalyst and empowers us to create an action plan for that dream to become a reality. He then assists us in tools to maintain the catalyst and how to enjoy freedom while living out our dream.Rustys story is a powerful example of what can happen when someone dares to believe that his future can be better than his past. The remarkable transformation in his own life is now making a huge impact in so many other lives and this book will inspire you to see how God can use all of our stories for the good. - Matthew West Christian Recording Artist A poignant reminder that we all have jail cells we allow into our lives. More importantly Cell 121 reminds us we can redeem our past make new decisions discover the reason we were born and make a difference in the world. An inspiring and hopeful message for anyone feeling trapped. - Dan Miller NY Times bestselling author 48Days.comCell 121 is a raw reminder about how Gods grace and love is for everyone. Rustys life is the perfect example of how Gods love can always bring hope no matter what we may be going through. This book is guaranteed to make you laugh make you cry inspire you to be the person God created you to be and leave you yearning for more of Christs love. - Mike Gesell professional basketball player For two reasons I recommend Cell 121. First the honesty of Rusty Boruff shines through every page. I dont read that level of vulnerability in many books. Second with simple easy-to-read sentences he exposes his own heart but even more important he reveals the love of God that embraces those labeled as losers despairing and downtrodden. - Cecil Murphey is a NY Times Best Selling Author of more than 130 books. Among them are 90 Minutes in Heaven; Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson story; and Knowing God Knowing Myself. www.cecilmurphey.com.