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About The Book
Charlies Life (in the North-American-Union) is a primarily fictional account of what the future of the U.S.A. could easily become if we the people dont get our @#%@# politicians under control. The North-American-Union is a TRUTHFUL goal of our politicians behind closed doors (and sometimes openly). Charlies Life focuses on the world from the viewpoint of a young man as he grows into his teenage years during a time in Americas future when the United States turns into the North-American-Union under the rule of an evil Dictator President followed by an equally evil (appointed) Queen. The N. A. U. consists of a plot to turn the U.S.A. CANADA and MEXICO into one continental nation (modeled after the European-Union). NO MORE BORDERS! One thing that I can promise you is that this story is NOT-AT-ALL what you are expecting. It is NOT simply a story of WAR DEATH AND DESTRUCTION! If you are looking for an entertaining book to read that is hard to put down this is the book for you. Remember. the hero of this book is an early teenager. If you want SEX or BLOOD and GUTS you are reading the wrong book! ! ! After reading this book if you would like to join me in changing our future for the better read The Secret then join me in focusing on living in a nation that has NO interest in Global Domination or in controlling its people through its extremely oppressive laws. Join me in focusing on living in a society that is truly FREE LOVING and RESPECTFUL of EVERYONE! HAVE A LOVING DAY!