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About The Book
<p>Life moves fast. Too fast for some people. This is the true story of what it's like to live in a world&nbsp;where you can't keep up.</p><p>Bobby was ten months old when my mom and dad rescued him from birth&nbsp;parents who were slowly killing him. He was adopted into our family after&nbsp;a lengthy custody battle. Instead of that settling him it set off a lifelong struggle to find a place to belong a place to call home.</p><p>Like an old-fashioned merry-go-round the world moved at a speed that&nbsp;was just too fast for Bobby. He couldn't keep up which prevented him&nbsp;from keeping a job a roof over his head and the basics needed to survive. The life he dreamt of was always out of reach. No one knew why.</p><p>While cultural ideals of what a <em>normal</em> life looks like can distort our&nbsp;perspective <em>Chasing the Merry-Go-Round</em> allows readers to see the world&nbsp;through the eyes of a person with intellectual and physical disabilities&nbsp;which can often be invisible especially at first glance. It's a story about&nbsp;struggle and hope survival and resilience and most of all the gift of&nbsp;acceptance and love.</p>