Choosing the Best


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About The Book

Do You Want Your Life To Really Count? If So You Must Learn To Make The Right Choices Because The Choices You Make Turn Around To Make You. The Way You Choose Has The Potential Of Increasing Or Decreasing Your Joy In Life. Making A Quality Choice Between Several Alternatives Is Tough. To Ease The Path And Alleviate The Problem Of Making Wrong Choices This Book Presents Twelve Major Criteria You Should Consider In Making Choices. These Criteria Include: - The Greatest Tragedy - The Greatest Mistake - The Greatest Priority - The Greatest Knowledge - The Greatest Pursuit - The Greatest Motive - The Greatest Motivation - The Greatest Influence - The Greatest Enemy - The Greatest Friend - The Greatest Helper - The Greatest Power These Criteria Affect Our Personal Social And Spiritual Life. Choosing The Best Involves Making Choices In View Of The Criteria. It Involves Having Priorities And Being Focused In Life. Choosing The Best Is Knowing What God Wants You To Accomplish In Life And Investing Your Resources-Time Talent And Treasure-On Just That. In Short It Is To Live For The Things That Really Matter In The Long Run.
