COME LET'S LIVE ONCE AGAIN : Are you willing to start again even if you think that there's no way out ?


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About The Book

Are you someone who feels stuck because of your age?Are you someone who hasn’t realized the worth of the most precious gift i.e. relationships?Are you someone who fears voicing your opinion especially when it means going against your community?Do you feel that social media is a waste of time?Do you get bogged down by challenges in life?If any of these resonates with you then the stories in this book will change your views forever.Based on real-life incidents this book presents to you a collection of eight extraordinary stories of ordinary people like you and me who felt stuck at some point of time in life and it appeared that there was no way out. But with strong willpower and unwillingness to surrender in front of adversities they not only bounced back strong but also transformed their lives and the lives of others around them.Real wisdom lies in knowing that good times and bad times are not contradictory but complementary terms they unite to form one.“An ant might seem little but it has the power to baffle an elephant if it enters its trunk similarly we all have the power to do anything in life if we are willing to take action to live once again.”
