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About The Book
<p>Louis Reznick knows the curative value of laughter. Sure it can be dangerous too&mdash;for example he just about laughed himself to death while writing this book. While working as a physician he would leave jokes up on the computer monitor for his patients and he realized what a powerful tool a good laugh could be&mdash;even people who are anxious and depressed can benefit from a little distraction. A lifetime of laughter is compressed into this one little volume so it&rsquo;s sort of like one of those cans of joke snakes. Open this book and you have no idea what will pop out! Laughter is the most important way to start and end your day and it&rsquo;s the thing that will keep you going when things aren&rsquo;t going your way. If you could use a good laugh&mdash;and really these days who couldn&rsquo;t?&mdash;then join Louis on his exploration of The Sixth Sense&hellip;the sense of humor!</p>