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About The Book
Dealing with poorly run companies can be frustrating irritating and draining. From large corporations to schools and the Red Cross organizations can suffer from internal problems that negatively affect their customers and employees. Our society has been trained to believe we're the ones at fault. <I>Corporate Personality Disorder</I> proves that you're just fine-but the company isn't.</P><P>An international award-winner in management and communications Eli Sopow PhD proposes a solution. With his innovative method of dissecting an organization's family tree Sopow reveals exactly how to diagnose what makes a company sick and how to start healing it. He teaches you ways to pinpoint which corporate personality you're dealing with how to effectively protest bad behavior and how to create new trust within a decaying organization. Anyone involved with management will learn to implement ideas vital to the future success of their company including changing the language of the work environment and motivating employees to be not only great workers but great individuals. </P><P>Free yourself and the organizations that matter to you from the diseases of dysfunction and apathy. <I>Corporate Personality Disorder</I> delivers the cure to communication and management woes so you can achieve a healthier corporation and a happier you. </P>