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About The Book
<p><b>Do what you want</b>-it feels so good to hear these words. All your defenses drop and your heart begins to dream. If only for a brief moment you relax into the infinite possibilities that spring to mind from these four little words. Could you really give yourself permission to do what you want? Taking the reins of your own life can be thrilling confusing and for many frighteningly revealing.</p><p>Author Bree Swain offers a raw and voyeuristic look at her journey through the rocky terrain of her own assumptions and fears and into her own heart of unbridled joy clarity and unconditional love. For those who desire to follow this path to their own happiness this guide will serve as a wise and authentic companion.</p><p>Each chapter invites you to go inward simply by asking yourself some questions. If you choose to take this invitation what you discover will be uniquely yours and priceless. <i>Do What You Want</i> is the anthem of your own awakening-the cry of your heart that has been bound by rules and fear.</p><p>Allow the permission of <i>Do What You Want</i> to guide you on your entire journey. Only you hold your deepest truth.</p>