Embark on a literary odyssey with the unparalleled masterpiece, "Don Quixote," by Miguel de Cervantes. This epic narrative unfolds across two volumes, inviting readers into the whimsical and delusional world of the aging gentleman, Alonso Quixano, who, having read too many chivalric romances, transforms into the self-styled knight, Don Quixote.. Volume II deepens the narrative, exploring the consequences of Quixote's legendary status as he encounters characters who have read the first volume of his adventures. Cervantes weaves a metafictional tapestry that reflects on the power of literature, the human capacity for imagination, and the fine line between madness and genius.. First published in 1605 and followed by a second part in 1615, "Don Quixote" is considered the first modern European novel and a foundational work of Western literature. Cervantes' ingenious storytelling, multifaceted characters, and philosophical depth continue to captivate readers, making "Don Quixote" an enduring classic that transcends time and cultural boundaries. This meticulously curated edition invites readers to experience the full scope of Cervantes' literary genius—a journey into the heart of human folly, imagination, and the enduring power of storytelling.