In "Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz," the story begins with Dorothy being caught in a California earthquake while visiting her cousin Zeb. The earthquake causes Dorothy, Zeb, and Dorothy's pet dog Toto to be swallowed up by the earth and transported to the magical Land of Oz. In this installment, Dorothy reunites with her old friends—the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion. Together, they embark on a journey with the aim of returning Dorothy, Zeb, and Toto back home. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and strange creatures, including the Mangaboos, invisible bears, and the vegetable people. Eventually, Dorothy and her companions reach the underground realm of the Mangaboos, where they meet the titular character—the Wizard of Oz himself. With the Wizard's help, they face numerous challenges and adventures, eventually finding their way back to the surface and reuniting with their loved ones. "Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz" continues Baum's tradition of creating imaginative and whimsical settings and characters within the magical world of Oz. It captures the sense of wonder and excitement that made the original "Wizard of Oz" story so beloved by readers. L. Frank Baum's Oz series, including "Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz," has enchanted generations of readers with its imaginative landscapes, memorable characters, and themes of friendship, courage, and the power of belief. It remains a classic and enduring contribution to children's literature.