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About The Book
At the center of this intricate fable that sizzles with sex and Browns signature blend of factand fi ction are men and women who dare to examine the deepest chambers of the heartand psyche. There is strong-willed 29-year-old Soneyah; the feisty Sylvia; Shevaughnwhose love and devotion to her husband did not spare her 10-year marriage from the painof infi delity; Asia a 24-year old single mother of two and Rosemary whose adolescencemarred by sexual abuse makes it almost impossible for her trust men. These womenare uniquely different but they are bound to one another by their negative experienceswith men and their determination to give their male counterparts a taste of their ownmedicine.On another layer of the story are four men Rayman Luke Knuckles and Hives whowill not let anything get in the way of their faithlessness and womanizing- even their ownpartners. The end of their odyssey of discovery will reveal to each character unexpecteddestinies and a stunning truth about themselves and those they love.Witty sharp and thoroughly engaging Double Standards is a searing story of life peopledby broken yet real souls on the road to discovering redemption and what it truly meansto love.