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About The Book
This collection of poems is the second collection in the DOUBLE TROUBLE series-a new kind of experimental off-kilter off-key but very in tune poetry. It will stretch your imagination past the point of breaking and then take it a couple of miles further. Its in your face slap your mind alive quick-take happenings of everyday abnormal life both on Earth and on Evidaris. This collaboration of 42 in depth grey matter etchings pulled from the psyche and soul will titillate charm and tramsport the reader to places unknown ... but somehow ... strangely familiar and recognized.Jose & James are a rough and tumble sensitive collaborative team living off-planet. They are seekers and gatherers of obscure thoughts and bizarre moments in the quantum boiling pot of timeless time. When they are not writing poetry their hobby is chasing after nuclear butterflies with their collapsible net of poetry as they time travel through their air stream of ink and words polishing their poems to a super-fine gloss and shine.If you watch closely you may be able to see them flashing in and out of time on retrograde Moon rotational nights. Mebbee ... Mebbee not.