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About The Book
<p>This is a book that looks at how drama has its basis in good early years practice. Most early years practitioners are doing some drama and are edging towards more structured work - this text will help them go further by building their own skills. <br>Using tried and tested example dramas based on traditional stories the authors show how clearly dramas are constructed. They move from the simple use if TiR (Teacher in Role) to more complex full dramas using traditional stories including Little Bo Peep Cinderella Sleeping Beauty Humpty Dumpty The Pied Piper The Billy Goats Gruff and Hansel and Gretel.<br>Drama in the early years covers a number of key areas where drama is of particular importance for this age group including:<br>* drama in the National Curriculum<br>* how drama can help your teaching of the Literacy Hour<br>* personal and social education and citizenship<br>* drama and special needs<br>* assessment<br>* recording and progression<br>* developing a school policy for drama.</p>