Once upon a time, there lived in the neighborhood Marilyn, or Mick, a lovely, stunning, young, beautiful, and robust teenager. Like a blooming flower she attracted bees to her budsshe had the males ogling and droning. But alas, as this tale goes, the queen bee, Momma Emma, aware of the appetites and ambitions of the areas ripening and playful young males, had taught Marilyn to say just one two-letter word: no. Marilyn, being a bright and alert student, learned very quickly. She had no real problems saying the one word no, even to Eugene.. Eugene, or Gene, is this tales impetuous nice guy who, at sixteen, began dating the blossoming Marilyn. He told her of his dreams of becoming a doctor. She told him he wasnt allowed to start his practice without a license.. But as this fairytale unfolds, against all odds and in spite of all the female safeguards, Genes love eventually did find the only means to Marilyns penetralia: marriage!