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About The Book
<p>Amongst the civilizations to participate in the dynamic processes of contact and interchange that gave rise to complex societies in the ancient Near East Elam has remained one of the most obscure at times languishing in the background of scholarly inquiry. In recent years however an increasing body of academic publications have acknowledged its relevance and suggested that its legacy was more considerable and long-lasting than previously estimated.</p><p>The Elamite World assembles a group of 40 international scholars to contribute their expertise to the production of a solid lavishly illustrated English language treatment of Elamite civilization. It covers topics such as its physical setting historical development languages and people material culture art science religion and society as well as the legacy of Elam in the Persian empire and its presence in the modern world. </p><p></p><p>This comprehensive and ambitious survey seeks for Elam hardly a household name a noteworthy place in our shared cultural heritage. It will be both a valuable introductory text for a general audience and a definitive reference source for students and academics.</p>