Exploring Revelation

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About The Book

As significant current events unfold all around us and voices are heard everywhere saying look here and look there it is important that we keep our feet firmly grounded on the Word of God. Outside Gods Word there is no stability and it is easy to be alarmed or sidetracked by spectacular forecasts that have very little substance to them. Our primary task as Christians is to know what Gods Word says about the last days and to refuse any information that may be hearsay and which cannot be reconciled with the Scriptures. Anyone could write a book about last things and many do but its wise to take much of what is written with a pinch of salt. However when as in the case of Revelation the author is God Himself it is necessary that the facts be well affirmed. And in the opening verses John takes pains to impress upon his readers the accuracy and reliability of what he is about to write. The information did not originate with him. It came from God the Father to God the Son and was then communicated to John by an angel. Although our English Bibles record the title of this book as The Revelation of John it is not about John nor his revelation. It is about Jesus Christ in His role as ruler conqueror and controller of all things spiritual and temporal. When Jesus said to His disciples All power is given unto me in Heaven and on earth that is precisely what He meant namely ALL power total control over all things. My prayer is that this commentary will help to clarify the immense scope of this book of Revelation to the minds of those who read it.