THE BIBLE COMMANDS US IN 2 TIMOTHY 2:15 TO study toshow yourself approved unto God, good workmen who need not to be ashamedrightly dividing the Word of God/Truth. WHEN INFORMATION ISPASSED FROM ONE PERSON OR FORM TO ANOTHER, SOME VITALPARTS MAY BE LOST OR MISREPRESENTED, SO IT IS IMPORTANTTO GO BACK TO THE ORIGINAL SCRIPT OR THE ORIGINATOROF THAT INFORMATION TO GET THE INTENDED MESSAGE/INFORMATION. Exposing Christianity reveals Gods salvation plan and howyou can be certain you are in the kingdom of God.My prayer for you is as you read through the pages of this book, you willmeet Christ, the one who died and rose to become the author and fi nisher ofour faith. This book is intended to challenge you, make you seek and appreciatethe reason for Christ. Over time and over the years, the gospel has been watereddown, supposedly to make it sinner friendly instead of keeping it Christcentered.COLOSSIANS 1: 15HE IS THE IMAGE OF THE INVISIBLE GOD,THE FIRSTBORN OVER ALL CREATION. 16FOR BY HIM ALL THINGSWERE CREATED THAT ARE IN HEAVEN AND THAT ARE ON EARTH,VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE, WHETHER THRONES OR DOMINIONSOR PRINCIPALITIES OR POWERS. ALL THINGS WERE CREATEDTHROUGH HIM AND FOR HIM. 17AND HE IS BEFORE ALL THINGS,AND IN HIM ALL THINGS CONSIST. 18AND HE IS THE HEAD OF THEBODY, THE CHURCH, WHO IS THE BEGINNING, THE FIRSTBORNFROM THE DEAD, THAT IN ALL THINGS HE MAY HAVE THEPREEMINENCE. 19FOR IT PLEASED THE FATHER THAT IN HIM ALLTHE FULLNESS SHOULD DWELL, 20AND BY HIM TO RECONCILEALL THINGS TO HIMSELF, BY HIM, WHETHER THINGS ON EARTHOR THINGS IN HEAVEN, HAVING MADE PEACE THROUGH THEBLOOD OF HIS CROSS.Exposing Christianity will take you on a journey, a journey of a lifetime intoGods amazing kingdom. It is a journey of great discovery and recovery. Are youready? Lets go.