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About The Book
Treat yourself to a bold adventure through the Bible. You will start off in familiar territory but will soon find yourself exploring ancient texts from the time of Jesus and beyond. These new viewpoints will bring different answers than you may be used to hearing and reading. It will take courage to start such an extreme walk but once you get out there nothing can beat the view. Extreme Walking is an advanced course in Bible reading. Through a series of topics that will shed new light on well-known passages in the canon the reader is taken on an enriching voyage of discovery where they will always remain just a step away from the safe well-worn paths of understanding. Why does the Bible talk about heavens rather than heaven? What kind of Messiah were the Jews really expecting? Who is this Melchizedek guy? Extreme Walking will help you tackle these questions and more. In a delightful series of walks through key New Testament themes--like heaven or Messiah or Satan--Tom de Bruin proves to be a highly informed and affable pathfinder. This book is a treasure because it offers in a wonderful and whimsical way insight into the New Testament by leading us back to the Jewish air the earliest Christians breathed. That air is never stuffy; its fresh and funny and full of fascinating information--making this book perfect for any curious reader Christian or not who wants to know the truth about how Christianity came to be. --Jack Levison Chair of Old Testament Interpretation and Biblical Hebrew Perkins School of Theology Southern Methodist University Tom de Bruin takes his readers on an adventurous walk through a territory that is virtually unknown to most Bible readers. He is their guide for this exploration of the Judaic religious world that formed the background of the New Testament. In a creative popularly written and yet profound way de Bruin helps the reader to get a better understanding of many aspects of the New Testament. Those who join him on this walk may at times wonder where the author is taking them but at the end they will conclude that it has been a greatly enriching experience. --Reinder Bruinsma Lecturer and Author Tom de Bruin is Lecturer in New Testament Exegesis and Early Christian Literature at Newbold College of Higher Education (UK). He is the author of The Great Controversy: The Individuals Struggle between Good and Evil in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs and in Their Jewish and Christian Contexts (2015).