Discover the difference between feelings and emotions, the disparity between truths and facts, and the countless benefits of mindful living.When his pursuit of happiness in Corporate America feels counterproductive, Timber Hawkeye escapes the flourescent-lit hell of his cubicle in Seattle and sets out to fully embrace the stress-free lifestyle of Hawaii. Intrigued and curious about what people believe (and why they believe what they do), he questions everything he ever thought was true and discovers the beauty of letting go.If you consider yourself spiritual but not religious, then youre going to love this inspirational book. And if you want to lead a simple and uncomplicated life with happiness at your fingertips, then youll want to read this page-turner more than once! Its not that Im against religion, I simply dont have one (nor do I believe that we need it to be ethical). My faith is doctrine-free, with a definition of God that doesn't conjure a white man in the sky who dispenses blessings for good behavior and harsh judgments to condemn the bad. Thats because I dont believe God does that; religion does. You see, faith is a spiritual practice of continually letting go of certainty, of ego, and of the underlying need to know, while religion is a ceremonial tradition of hanging on, clinging to concrete dogmas, stubborn rigidity, and ageless rituals.