Fate's Arrows: 4 (Florida Folk Magic Stories)


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About The Book

In 1954 the small Florida Panhandle town of Torreya had more Klansmen per acre than fire ants. Sparrow a bag lady; Pollyanna an auditor; and Jack the owner of Slades Diner step on fire ants and Klansmen whenever they can while an unknown archer fires fate-changing arrows at the Klans leadership. They are not who they appear to be and while they take risks they must be discrete lest they end up in the Klans gunsights. When Julia and Eldon a married couple from Harlem New York run afoul of the Klan because of Eldons pro-union stance at the sawmill they find themselves down at the ancient hanging tree where two policemen hiding their identity beneath white robes and hoods are the ones holding the noose.Meanwhile Sparrow seems to have disappeared. When the neer-do-well Shelton brothers beat up the Klaverns exalted cyclops because they think he harmed Sparrow they too find themselves the focus of a KKK manhunt. Bolstered by support from a black cat and an older-than-dirt conjure woman Pollyanna persists in her fight against the Klan determined to restore law and order to a town overwhelmed by corruption.
