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About The Book
This book by Daddy Dan is based on facts and evidences that happened over twenty-one years from 1979 to 2018. In this book we have the two deceased Mrs. E who passed away in England in 1979 and Mr. R who passed away in Jamaica in 2013 under suspicious circumstances whilst on holiday in Jamaica. Mr. R and Mrs. E came to England after the wild rush in the 1940s. From Jamaica Mr. R came first and sent for Mrs. E to join him in England leaving four children behind in Jamaica: three boys and one girl which we will not use the names for legal reasons at this point. In 1959 the couple got married worked and bought a house in England had six more children and send for the other four children making a full house of ten children. Up to this point I can remember my childhood was a happy one. Our home was like a fairy tale so there were twelve people living in the house until the trouble started when the two eldest-we will call D2 at this time-got put out the house in 1977. The marriage broke down and Mr. R and Mrs. E got divorced. Mr. R left after the court case to live in Jamaica for ten years.