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About The Book
<p>One-of-a-kind Grammar book</p><p>Children have a curious mind. What? Why? How? Where? Their questions are never ending. They will not be satisfied until all their qualms are cleared. So for these young thirsty minds may we present a story that imparts you the appropriate use and application of figure of speech.</p><p>Benefits of figure of speech:</p><p>- The knowledge of figure of speech enhances the beauty of creative writing.</p><p>- It increases the reader’s ingenuity thereby by making it easy to understand the witty</p><p>- or subtle meanings that the writer indicates.</p><p>- It helps us to comprehend the brilliance of expression and clarity of meaning of the poem.</p><p>- They also increase our vocabulary skills and language.</p><p>Special features of this book</p><p>- 22 figures of speech.</p><p>- More than 100 examples for understanding.</p><p>- More than 10 exercises for practice.</p><p>- Fun twisters added.</p><p></p>